Tuesday, January 27, 2009

The right to clear arms - Nigel


The idea is starting move away from layering found paper into a sculpture/form and more towards using it/the selective removal of as a medium. Wouldn't necessarily be portraits, thinking could also work in copying old master paintings as well, recoginizable imagery. Some inspiration below, basic style looks. Would hope to include more content within the parts that aren't torn (unlike directly below, which is all from one large ad, as well as stencil marked/cut).

I know it's painted, but the broad strokes are sort of the effect I think this will have, as well as the haphazardness, as well as the feeling of layering.


"Dude, what a find!" (actually found on ground next to dumpster, for those who can't see what it says it's a package for a "Classic Butt Plug".)

the Invisible Man offers my dog a treat (it's not a piece of crap or anything).


I came home to find my shower running, and when I opened the curtain, something invisible starting attacking me (also while photographing it somehow). It sucked. Luckily I could see the bastard cause the water still was outlining the body, so I decked him once and booked the hell out of there, locking the bathroom up tight. Now I have to go pee in the sink.

boy was it a pain the ass taping my fingers stuck in that pose. mental note: next time, use a mannaquin.

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